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 The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.

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Number of posts : 423
Age : 30
Location : in my happy place
Points : 6245
Registration date : 2008-06-03

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 1:35 am

Ok. So i started writing this story when i had a creative streak, and now (since i am off of my creative streak) i have major writers block. While i'm sitting staring blankly at my computer (And yes Ren, doing a lot of: "rgttrgttctaOEWUTIHA;WIRUF") I had this great idea. This is what happened:

Little voice 1: Why don't you post what you have and start a new RP?
Little voice 2:*british accent* That's an exellent idea, Mate!
Little Voice 3:*Russian Accent* Vhy didn't i think ov dat?
Little voice 4:*Okie Twang* Ya'll are all so dang wierd!
All: speakforyourself!

*curtain closes*

Ok now that you know the whole story, here are the CHaracters and their profiles. i havn't made any minor characters yet because i wasn't writing this for an RP.

Name: Renee Sims
Gender: apparently Female
Race: Human, for now?
Power: we don't know yet
Personality: likes to be alone. she knows how to take care of herself, so why would she need any one else?
The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. And

Name: Jason Renoalrd (Pronounced: Ree-oh-nah-r-la-dah)
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire
Power: we havn't been told yet
Personality: he hasn't been in the plot long enough to tell but from the looks of it he is very loyal to his king. maybe overly loyal? has he done something wrong in the past? (hint hint for anyone taking on this part.
The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Anime_10

Name: Unknown, but for now we shall call him "'Poppet'-man"
Gender: Male (by the way, this can also be a girl. i really don't care.)
Race: Vampire
Power: we really don't know but we suspect it is tracking
Personality: minor character so you can make it up as you go along.
If you want it to be a guy then:
The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Anime-4
If you want it to be a girl then:
The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Black

Last edited by Vera_RavensBlood on Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : because crys said that we needed a new topic so i decided that she was right, b/c the original name was supposed to b a pun on what i was writing and it would have worked bc i just have vampires in my 'Aptly Named' story so i changed it to one of Crys')
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Number of posts : 423
Age : 30
Location : in my happy place
Points : 6245
Registration date : 2008-06-03

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 1:43 am

Ok i guess i will be Renee.

here's what i have written so far:

I walked through the school wondering if I ever was going to escape this hell.
Five, four, three, two, one. The bell rang out signaling that the week was officially over. Finally, I pushed through a mesh of black people who always seem to be in my way and went to my locker. I opened it and put most of my books in, with a three mile walk home, there was no way I was going to be lugging three textbooks with me. After a few minutes, mostly everyone was out of the halls. Finally. I thought to myself. I looked at my watch, 3:42. Get a move on Renee! I chastised myself. I took the back way out of school so that I wouldn’t have to fight my way through the throngs of preps.

My shoes kicked dirt up on the side of the road, staining my legs a wonderful reddish brown color. It was the middle of March, but it was a beautiful 80° and the setting sun was throwing shadows across my face.
I walked up my driveway hoping that I didn’t see my father’s car in the garage. It was there, in almost a flawed perfectness, it was there, his deep blue 1982 Chevy Camaro. I opened the door to the kitchen ever so softly and tried to sneak past him and up the stairs to my room where I could hide.

“RENEE! I HEARD YOU COME IN! GET YOUR LAZY ASS DOWN HERE!” he yelled boisterously. He was still drunk.

I drudged downstairs and prepared myself whatever he was going to do to me. I walked in the kitchen to see him, his messy dark brown hair, his unshaven face, it didn’t seem like he had slept in days. He looked up at me, a scowl on his face.

“What did I tell you about trying to sneak in?” he said softly, as if trying to reign in his impending anger.

When I didn’t answer he got up and got up all in my face, him breath smelled strongly of alcohol, I tried hard not to gag.
He took off his belt and raised it high. He looked at me like he was giving me another chance. I had learned long ago that no matter what I said, I was always wrong and that it was always going to come to this. He brought the belt down on my face with a hard swing. I swung around to put my back to the blows and cringed.

When he was finally done with me I drug myself upstairs and lay down on my ‘bed’ if you would want to call it that. My room was nothing special, grey walls, closet, and a lamp. All my father could afford because of his ‘habit’. Since, I didn’t have any homework; I opened my window and let the breeze blow across my now bloodied face as I watched the sunset.

As soon as I heard my father’s snoring from downstairs I opened my window and made my way down the side of my house. I jumped off the roof to the garage and hit the ground in a roll. I didn’t make a sound. I walked down the road a bit and went to my little house. It was originally an old barn, but ever since my father got into the habit of drinking and beating me, I always came here for the weekends. He was always out bar hopping so he wouldn’t miss me. He would probably be getting girls drunk and… well you know the rest.

I lit one of many candles in the barn and climbed up to the roof, and sat, watching the moon rise. There was something different in the air tonight, usually it smelled of pine needles and rotting leaves, but tonight, death was in the air. I shivered as a cold wind blew clouds over the moon, removing most of the light. I blindly searched for the door that led inside, cutting my hand in the process.

“Ow, Sh*t.” I cursed softly.

There was a rustle in the woods. I whipped my head around to face whatever animal was going to try and take my home. There wasn’t anything there. I climbed down and just sat there on the floor waiting for the blood to congeal so I could wipe it off and wrap it up.

The rustle in the bushes was back, I decided that if someone was playing a joke on me it was over, I grabbed my army knife and went over to the bushes.

There was nothing there.

“Hello there, poppet.”

I jumped and turned around, wielding my knife. My eyes locked with a man, he had black hair and looked to be in his thirties, but something about him threw me off.

“What do you want?” I said, sounding more courageous than I really was.

He just smiled.

“Well?” I gripped my knife tighter. He seemed to making note of every detail about me, his eyes traveling up and down my body.

“Do you know of the poem of called The Hunter and the Hunted?” I didn’t like where this was going.

“If you leave now I will let you live.” Making an empty threat, I hoped in the darkness that he couldn’t make out the clear signs of fear in my eyes.

He laughed. “You? Hurt me? Wow I’m scared now.”

I lunged at him and tried to cut his arm open, I don’t take insults well.
When I slashed out, he was gone, right before my eyes.

“Over here, poppet.” He called from behind me.

A confused look shot across my face and I lunged again, but this time, the knife was knocked from my hands and my arms were twisted behind my back. I shivered; his hands were colder than ice.

“Ooo… a fighter. I love a fighter…” He whispered in my ear. I cringed away. He chuckled.

He started to kiss down my neck, stopping right above my vein. I felt something cold and hard graze my neck. Before he got any farther, and much to my pleasure, I was freed as my assailant was blown away. By what I cannot say, but I was out of there.

I started to run, but someone caught up with me. He stopped right in front me, so I ran into him. He caught me. I looked up at him and he looked back at me. Before I could say anything he pressed a thumb underneath my jaw and knocked me out, cold.
* * * * * * * * *
I woke up, groggy, to a place that was unfamiliar to me. I was surrounded by tall old looking trees. I tried to stand up but my legs and arms were tied. I wriggled around on the forest floor, trying to get to the other knife that I hid in my boot. It wasn’t there. Someone had taken it.

“Hello?” Ello? Lo? My voice echoed through the forest.

Renee. A soft voice drifted through my mind. Renee, get up.

“I can’t. I’m tied up.” I said, seemingly to myself. I struggled around a bit and my bonds loosened. I got up off the ground and dusted myself off.

I waited for the voice to come back through my head, but it didn’t. I walked through waterfalls of vines and swamps of dead leaves. Nobody has traveled this way in quite awhile.

I walked for what seemed like hours and the forest never stopped. Darkness crept in on mouse’s feet, and before long, I was walking in darkness.

“Renee.” The soft, silky voice from my mind was back, but it was real this time. I looked around quickly, but saw no one. “Renee, please don’t move. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

“Who are you?” After my last ordeal, I am pretty creeped out.

A guy, no older than eighteen, lands right in front of me. “My name is Jason, and I am a vampire.”
I take two steps back pretty quickly, tripping over an unearthed root in the process. He caught me and I got up out of his arms quickly.

“So what do you want from me? Blood? Isn’t that the usual vamp thing?” I tried to sound non-chalant but I don’t think it was working.

“That might be a side note, but no. That is not what I am here for. Quite the contrary.” He said, revealing little about his true course. Apparently I had to be the one to ask.

“So what do you want from me?” I repeated.

“It has been said that there would be the one who could end the war, create peace. My king sent me on a mission long ago to find that person. And I have found you.”

I took me a second to register what he said and: “What? There’s no way! I can’t be your ‘chosen one’. I’m too ordinary.”
“Quite the contrary.” Oh my God, did he seriously just say that? Did that just step out of the time machine from the 1800’s?

“Well that happened to be when I was born.” He said with a smug smile. Crap he’s reading my thoughts.

“Yes, I am.” He started coughing; and he eventually had to sit down.

“Are you ok?” I mean I don’t even know the guy, but still, I’m not cold.

“Yes, I just… I just haven’t fed in awhile.” I backed up a bit, yeah the guy was hot, but not that hot.

“I will be ok. Now we have to get you back to my king.”

I started to protest, but he grabbed my arm and swung me on his back and we were off.
* * * * * * * * * *
When I finally opened my eyes we had arrived at a scary-looking castle. He grabbed my hand and led me in. I can see the obvious strain on his face.

“My liege, you have called for her, and she has come.” He bowed, and instructing me to follow him suit.

Get her a room, start her training. You are dismissed. His voice floated through my head.

Jason led me through countless hallways and corridors.

“Here, there are clothes in the closet. I hope you find them too your liking.” He started to leave.

He stopped and turned around to look at me. “Wait until I come and get you.” And he left.

Ok now hop in anytime you want!
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get a deadly papercut

Number of posts : 378
Age : 30
Location : the Deep South (yay!!!)
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Registration date : 2008-06-14

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 12:21 pm

ooooooooooo am i little voice4???????
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get a deadly papercut

Number of posts : 378
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Location : the Deep South (yay!!!)
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Registration date : 2008-06-14

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 1:11 pm

my turn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

name-Layla David (Da-veed) yes vera like ziva
race-lycan (yay im different!!!!)
personality-kind and caring with a fiery temper
The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Katic

name- Lucian David
personality-depressed and distant a typical loner. only speaks with his twin layla
The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. TrentFord7

Last edited by EsmeCullen on Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
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discover Jacob's secret

Number of posts : 725
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Registration date : 2008-06-10

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 7:33 pm


name- Tevy (no last name)
gender- famale
race- unknown. last remainng subject of scientific genetic experiment, "ANG3L"
power- flight
personality- shy and guarded. sort of a loner
The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Angel_one


name- Korbin Waldron
gender- male
race- old subject of ANG3L
power- speed
personality- loud and rebellious. tends to be a loner
The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Themo_guy--large-msg-117408758459

Last edited by Crystal on Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:47 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding nw character!)
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discover Jacob's secret

Number of posts : 725
Age : 30
Location : my happy place
Points : 6278
Registration date : 2008-06-10

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 8:08 pm

I looked up into the dark night sky. It was day seven-hundred and eighty three in the wilderness. I had been on my own now for a little over two years. I hadn't spoken to another soul on this earth since the Terrible Deed. I would never forget that day. Ever.

Days were pointless now. Was it Monday? Thursday? i didn't care. The sun would alwas come up, and the stars wouls always light up the sky just enough so that i could see.

I haven't flown in a while, I thought. and the wind is perfect today...

But those thoughts would always follow with

What if I'm seen? What if they find me again? You couldn't last another day there..

I had long since entered a deep depression in my solitude. After everything I had seen and done, there was no reason for joy. The world had taught me that a long time ago...
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get a deadly papercut

Number of posts : 378
Age : 30
Location : the Deep South (yay!!!)
Points : 6133
Registration date : 2008-06-14

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 8:24 pm

finially, i thought school is out!

"bye layla" someone called oout after me
"bye" i called back, but i didnt turn around i was to anxious to get home. it was a full moon.

i raced to my silver 2007 ford mustang gt and jumped in and started to head hhome when all of a sudden i heard running.......i followed the noise
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discover Jacob's secret

Number of posts : 725
Age : 30
Location : my happy place
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Registration date : 2008-06-10

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 8:48 pm

i continued walking in the quiet forest. i had no idea where i was and where i was headed.

come on, its perfect weather. the fog will hide you. i thought
i had been itching to fly for days now...
what could happen? i asked myself
everything. thats what.

i shut up the pessimistic thoughts in my head. it was time i had fun. two years was long enough to grieve...

i stopped walking when i got to the prefect spot. i was about a hundred feet from a clearing big enough to fit a girl with wings. i took a big breath and bolted.

faster and faster i ran tward the clearing. my quickening steps turning into jumps which turned into leaps. my wings flapped, greatfull for the ability to stretch again.
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get a deadly papercut

Number of posts : 378
Age : 30
Location : the Deep South (yay!!!)
Points : 6133
Registration date : 2008-06-14

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 8:51 pm

crys we need to meet up
i drove faster and faster into the forest. then all of a sudden i saw a white shape desending frm the heavens.
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discover Jacob's secret

Number of posts : 725
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Registration date : 2008-06-10

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 9:25 pm

i decided to go back down. the fog was begining to clear, and it started raining. the last thing i needed was to be killed in the upsoming thunderstorm.

as i slowly dropped down to the soft grass, the rain began to get harder. i looked up in the sky to see the moon. it wasfull tonight. tonight would bee a good time to fly again if the rain let up.

just as i shook out my wet hair, a movement caught my eye. i ducked down behind some high bushes. the shape began to take form in the falling rain. i caould make out a face... human...
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get a deadly papercut

Number of posts : 378
Age : 30
Location : the Deep South (yay!!!)
Points : 6133
Registration date : 2008-06-14

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 9:29 pm

omg who is it????????????
im in my shiny silver stang!!!!!!!!!
i saw the shape hit the ground and in an instant i was out of my car standing above it.......it was a girl.......well an angel girl....
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discover Jacob's secret

Number of posts : 725
Age : 30
Location : my happy place
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Registration date : 2008-06-10

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 9:49 pm

not sure guess we'll find out!
i didn't know who they were or what they wanted, but i wasn't about to stay and chat. although they weren't facing me, i didnt dare fly. i was not going back. not after two years of freedom.

i ran in the opposite drection as fast as i could. i was able to run 6.78 times faster than th average human. it was the only way i could get fast enough to take off. i knew they wouldn't catch up.

it was getting dark, and i could barely see. the rain idn't help either. it was raining harder and harder by the minute. i wasn't paying attention to where i was going. i didn't notice as the forest grew thinner and thinner. i didn't notice as the ground changed from soft grass to hard asphalt.

what i did notice were the headlight suddenly coming at me.
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get a deadly papercut

Number of posts : 378
Age : 30
Location : the Deep South (yay!!!)
Points : 6133
Registration date : 2008-06-14

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 9:53 pm

yay thats me!!!!!!!!!!!

"excuse me" i said to the flying lump of person " are you alright?"
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discover Jacob's secret

Number of posts : 725
Age : 30
Location : my happy place
Points : 6278
Registration date : 2008-06-10

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 10:15 pm

i flew into the air. i flapped my wings and managed to hover just before i hit the ground. i didn't realize my mistake until it was too late. i looked up to see the stunned face of a human.

oh s*** i thought
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Number of posts : 423
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Registration date : 2008-06-03

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2009 2:03 am

I walked out of my room, before Jason could come and get me. There was a window at the end of the hallway, i ran to it, and fortunally it was unlocked. I opened it and climbed out onto the fire escape.

It was a long way down but i finally made it and ran into the woods
((i'm going to meet up with you guys ok?))
It soon became night as a ran into the wet forest.
I heard talking up ahead and a ran towards it.

I stumbled onto a girl and an.... angel? oh well, couldn't be any wierder than vampires, and totally less deadly.
And i guess that Renee will be telekinitic. like usual.
unless you guys can come up with something kewler or an kewler race.
and btw: halle what race is your character? human?
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discover Jacob's secret

Number of posts : 725
Age : 30
Location : my happy place
Points : 6278
Registration date : 2008-06-10

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2009 6:12 pm

hahaha well jump right in! Smile

"what... what the hell are you?" the driver asked in astonishment.

her headlights were bright, and i couldn't make out their face. but i could tell by their voice that it was a woman. whoever she was turned off the lights. her eyes sweeped over me, stopping at my wings.

i stood there, my eyes wide and my hands quivering. my mind screamed for me to run, but i couldn't get my legs to work. one of my wings hurt badly, so i couldn't fly away either. the woman seemed to understand my fear, and stepped a little closer.

"it's okay... im not gonna hurt you.." she said in a soothing voice.

she sounded like Them. i couldn't tell you how many times i had heard that exact sentence, then was beat down to the floor, broken and bleeding.

i started to back away. my brain screamed at me to run. just then, a sound came from behind me. i turned halfway around, only to see yet another human running twards us.

go! now! leave before they take you! my mind screamed.
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Number of posts : 423
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Registration date : 2008-06-03

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2009 8:25 pm

"Wait!" i yelled at the angel girl. I had this certian vibe about her that she didn't trust anyone.
"I know it would be usless to say that i'm not going to hurt you, so i won't say it." I put both my hands behind my back, indicating that i wasn't going to do anything.

she stood still.
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discover Jacob's secret

Number of posts : 725
Age : 30
Location : my happy place
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Registration date : 2008-06-10

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 1:49 pm

i didn't move. i stood there looking at the new girl. she was taller than me, like most people were. i remembered the other human, and looked to my left. she was slowly creeping up twards me. when she saw me watching her she stopped.

the other one looked at her as if to say don't scare her. just stay there..

the pain in my wing was getting worse. i turned my gaze to it and say it had a medium-sized laceration ((haha mcconnell would b proud..)) across it. i had barely missed the tree i almost flew into, but the car had cut me bad.

i looked acusingly at the woman and her car.
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get a deadly papercut

Number of posts : 378
Age : 30
Location : the Deep South (yay!!!)
Points : 6133
Registration date : 2008-06-14

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 5:05 pm

she would be proud! u didnt get cut on my car cuz if u would have ud b dead u dont mess with the car.....just fyi

"hey calm down everything alright we arent gonna do anything to hurt you" i told the scared girl "i just need to fix your....um......wing..?.... before it gets infected."

the girl looked cautiously at me and then at the other girl.

"whats your name?" the other (human) girl asked her.

she didnt reply abrubtly and when she did it was berely a whisper
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discover Jacob's secret

Number of posts : 725
Age : 30
Location : my happy place
Points : 6278
Registration date : 2008-06-10

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 5:45 pm

"it's.. um... Tevy." i said, in a whisper that barely made it over the noise of the approaching storm.

i realized then that i hadn't uttered a single word to another soul since i left. two years of not using my vcal chords had prove to make it hard to speak. whether tha person was extremely shy or not.

"Tevy. let me see your, um, wing..." the driver of the mustang said, taking a step tward me.

every muscle in my body screamed at me to run. it wasn't that i was frigtened. i had fought off grown men with guns, flown into barbed wire, and spent 2 years n the wilderness. two young humans wouldn't be hard to handle. however, it was now drilled in my head to run. it was all i had done since the Incident.

i looked back at the woman with cautious eyes, but i didn't move. i spread out the injured wind tward her. my wingspan was so long that the tip of the wing was just a couple feet from her face.

she looked back at me with a gentle expression.
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Number of posts : 423
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Location : in my happy place
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Registration date : 2008-06-03

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 6:47 pm

"I'm Renee." I said. I looked around for something to help the other girl with Tevy, but i found nothing.
I looked at the other girl. "Do you have anything to bandage this up with?"
She shook her head and i tore off a piece from my shorts and handed it to the driver. she muttered a thanks and went to work.
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discover Jacob's secret

Number of posts : 725
Age : 30
Location : my happy place
Points : 6278
Registration date : 2008-06-10

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 6:57 pm

hey hallz, isn't a full moon still approaching?

i watched silently as the girl bandaged my wound. i quivered only once, when she accidently moved one of my feathers the wrong way. i winced a few times when she had to press on the wound to get the bleedng to stop.

i looked over at the other girl, renee. she was observing me inquisitively. her head was slightly tilted and she looked at my wings. it took her a moment to realize i was watching her.

"oh, sorry. its been an, um, odd week..." she said.

i gave her a half smile in return. i still wasn't sure if i trusted them. humans had proven to be.... deceptive.
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get a deadly papercut

Number of posts : 378
Age : 30
Location : the Deep South (yay!!!)
Points : 6133
Registration date : 2008-06-14

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 7:09 pm

"nice to meet you guys im layla....." i said as i reached out to shake their hands.....
but all of a sudden i remembered that it was to be a full monn tonight.
"......i have to go" i said "can yall get home alright?" i asked seeing that i was the only one with a car
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discover Jacob's secret

Number of posts : 725
Age : 30
Location : my happy place
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Registration date : 2008-06-10

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 7:27 pm

hahaha there we go...

i tried moving my wings, which still hurt. i didnt wince, though. i wasn't about to ask for a ride from this layla person. she looked suddenly tense and on edge. i watched her close her eyes and hold her temples.

"yes." i said.

it wasn't really a lie. i had to walk maybe 100 feet to get bact home. th forest. but my wing was still throbbing. but i had been in worse shape before...

without hesitating, i gave each of them a sort of nod, and told my muscles that they could finally move. i backed up, turned around and took off into the approaching darkness.

the trees flew by me as i raced tward solitude once again. however, my thoughts lingered on the two girls. layla in particular. i slowed down into a walk so i could think.

i was so deep in thougt that i didn't hear the squeaking of tires back at the road. nor did i see the moon rising in the sky. what i did notice, was the snap of a twig just a few yards ahead.
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get a deadly papercut

Number of posts : 378
Age : 30
Location : the Deep South (yay!!!)
Points : 6133
Registration date : 2008-06-14

The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 7:33 pm

o snap!!!!!! no pun intended

i could feel it coming over me as i was driving home. it was the strange sensation to run...to be free.....

not posting the transformation or full moon shenanigans until farther in the story
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PostSubject: Re: The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures.   The Curious Circumstances of Magical Creatures. Icon_minitime

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